About Shield

about me

I am a Christ follower, husband, dad, and mostly just a regular guy with a desire to protect those more vulnerable.  That desire, along with a passion for shooting sports over the years led me to become a firearms instructor.  One day it dawned on me that I had acquired the knowledge and skills that could assist others in their pursuit to be less vulnerable, as well as pick up a great hobby!  Bam!

I also enjoy outdoor activities like camping, hiking, mountain biking, and of course, target shooting.  

Teaching style

My teaching style has been shaped by many years of facilitating classes at church, work, and coaching girls' high school basketball.  I like to run an engaging, interactive class where no one is embarrassed, regardless of your background with firearms.  Plus, I like to have fun!  So there's that.

Why Shield?
SFT Tan Logo

I chose the name Shield Firearms Training because a shield is a defensive weapon. Any and all knowledge gained from my classes should be used in a defensive manner to protect yourself, your family, and those that may be in a weakened state or more vulnerable. I also desire to point people to the true shield. Psalm 28:7 says, "The Lord is my strength and my shield...".